Test Result STIFIn Sensing introvert
Sensing introvert
Si is the abbreviation of Sensing introvert. The symbol S, on its own, constitutes as the intelligence engine. Based on the STIFIn concept, there are five intelligence engines, and S is one of them. The identity of the intelligence engine becomes a personality when it is associated/paired with one of the two intelligence drives: i (introvert) and e (extrovert). Therefore, Si is already a personality identity. S is written in capital letters because its influence as an intelligence engine is bigger than the i that is written in small letters as the intelligence drive.
- The Brain’s Operational System
A simple explanation for the Sensing introvert type would be a type of personality that is based on the intelligence of the five senses of the body that work from the inside of the self towards the outside. The operation system for the Si type is located in the lower part of the left hemisphere, otherwise known as the left limbic system. In the left limbic system, the part that directs the intelligence is in the white layer that is located on the inner part of the brain.
White matter has a denser texture as compared to grey matter (located on the surface of the brain) because it consists of more brain cells. This higher density allows the intelligence drive to move from the inside to the outside of the brain. This makes the person feel as though he/she cannot stay still and constantly move because their source of biorhythm is more dynamic.
- Physical Topology
The intelligence machine Sensing (S) is identic to muscle. They have strong muscles because the S type has red muscles in which they store aerobic energy. Of course, the muscles must be constantly used in order to develop and store more aerobic energy. The Si type is supported by the availability of a battery (charger) that is inside which causes this type to have a strong power.
Aside from having a big, athletic physical form, the Si type also has physical skills that are supported by gross motoric skills. Muscles have the ability to remember and store memory in the muscle cell known as myelin. A trained muscle has more valuable myelin. The advantage of the Si type lies in the value of the myelin that is more trained.
- Unique Characteristics
Based on the viewpoint of psychology (behaviorism), the Si personality must have unique behavioral characteristics that are different from those of the other eight characteristics, that can be proven and measured. There are ten items that can be proven exist and can be measured psychometrically.
Based on the STIFIn concept, the ten items become more permanent personalities that will never change and always exist with age. The ten characteristics are:
As a whole personality, the Si type has diametral sides, such as: full of ambition but easily gives up, obedient but competitive, adventurous but always wants to be accompanied, is a dictionary for various problems but sometimes ‘blanks out’, tends to be chronological and fact-centric but sometimes is like a wild ball and sometimes believes in telepathy, usually self-confident but sometimes anxious, tenacious and structured but sometimes also captious.
Therefore, the Si type must be aware of their weaknesses and make an effort to exploit their strengths. Usually if their strengths develop further, their weaknesses can be covered.
- Strengths
The Si type possess a uniqueness because they have a greater ability of memory than the other eight personality types. This strength can be matched with memory intelligence, otherwise known as Memory Quotient (MQ).
The strength of the Si type automatically functions efficiently by executing the output per input well. The work must be efficient. In spending and even sharing, this type is very economical. Instead of sharing in large sums, the Si type prefers to help in a different way, that is, by using their tenacity.
- Chemistry
The Si type are indeed prospectively rich people because of their chemistry with wealth. But in order to achieve this, the Si type must tenaciously pursue wealth. If the Si type wishes to succeed in gaining wealth properly then they must seek a ‘stage’ that increases their productivity.
The tenacity of the Si type must be built from the beginning and they must set up a ‘stage’ for themselves in order to perform their skills. In order to get this ‘stage’, they must start from the very beginning (the lowest point).
The word ‘stage’ here doesn’t always refer to a stage on which one performs, even though that is predominant. ‘Stage’ here has a broader meaning. For instance, business stage, the success of demonstrating the skill of managing invested money with a safe and amazing return of investment (ROI).
Business investment becomes a ‘stage’ through their efficient and trusted ability to manage money. Therefore, when others come to know of this, they begin to find interest and trust to invest in them.
- Role
With a strong muscle function, the intelligence machine Sensing (S) prefers jobs that require tenacity. This type has a greater stamina than all the other types. When combined with intelligence based on the five senses, the muscle function of the S type allows them to prefer jobs that make them sweat. This also makes the S type prefer to be out in the field or on stage (in the spotlight) rather than behind the screen.
When the S type is driven from the inside (and becomes the Si type), a more confident nature emerges from the person. This makes the Si type become a skilled person who has a role as a player in one of the many activities they carry out. For instance, when becoming an athlete, a singer, a celebrity, a worker, or even a businessman, he/she will get involved in handling the business.
- Target and Expectations
Owing to the fact that they are hard working and not easily tired, the Si type has large a number of social relationships. The number of people they meet and connect to on a daily basis is usually more than that of other types. The target of the Si type is to get more connections that can help them in finishing tasks or trading. After planting seeds of many businesses in many places and all the hard work has been done, the Si type hopes to harvest their yield.
- Direction of Branding
Consistent repetition of an activity gives the Si type a brand that adheres to their being – the brand of a successful person in producing large quantities. The brand of this type is known as a person who is always triumphant at enlarging the scale of performance volume. For instance, if the Si type chooses a transportation business, they will always be successful in increasing the number of passengers. If they choose to become linguists, then the number of words they succeed at recording as their vocabulary will be astounding.
- Methods of Learning
In order to improve his/her method of learning, an individual with the Si type must record new vocabulary. Every new subject or vocabulary must be repeated and reconstructed in various ways.
Besides that, learning with the use of props is also important because visuals help increase the amount of information stored in memory. These props must also be played with so that they get their own, personal experiences.
Trying and experiencing first-hand is the most effective way to learn for the Si type. Repeated practice is the best way to put myelin into function. The more they practice, the more myelin develops and forms, and the more skillful this type becomes.
Learning while moving makes the Si type more comfortable and increases the amount of time they spend on learning. For the Si type, the best way to increase motivation to learn and work is to give them a sparring partner (a person to practice with who can also be their competitor) because this type really needs a pull towards reality.
The Si type cannot be motivated using imaginary competition because their sensing intelligence only works if the competitor is real. The higher this type goes, the higher the level the sparring partner must also reach.
- Choice of School/Profession
The main priority when choosing a major or profession for the Si type is to direct them to one of the five industrial choices: finance, linguistics, transportation, trade, entertainment.
Some other choices of professions would be economist, athlete, military, hospitality, historian, banker, land, doctor, journalist, celebrity, manufacturing, pilot, flight attendant, model, actor, salesman, plantation, agriculture, farming, administration, secretary, librarian, operator, staff, singer, factory worker, security, naturalist painter, photographer, cameraman, presenter, dancer, field worker in various sectors, etc.
In the future, there will be a larger variety of professions to choose from. But if choosing a major or a profession based on the Si type standard, four key concepts must be considered: remember, muscle, diligence, and moved.
This means that the major or profession that is chosen by this type must be dominated by aspects that require memory capacity, muscle, diligence, and must be moved by itself because the Si type is “called” for the particular course or profession.