Test Results STIFIn Intuiting introvert
Intuiting introvert
Ii is the abbreviation of Intuiting introvert. The symbol I, on its own, constitutes as the intelligence engine. Based on the STIFIn concept, there are five intelligence engines, and I is one of them. The identity of the intelligence engine becomes a personality when it is associated/paired with one of the two intelligence drives: i (introvert) and e (extrovert). Therefore, Ii is already a personality identity. I is written in capital letters because its influence as an intelligence engine is bigger than the i that is written in small letters as the intelligence drive.
- The Brain’s Operational System
A simple explanation for the Intuiting introvert type would be a type of personality that is based on sixth sense intelligence that works from the inside of the self towards the outside. The operation system for the Ii type is located in the upper part of the right hemisphere, otherwise known as the right brain. In the right brain, the part that directs the intelligence is in the white layer that is located on the inner part of the brain.
White matter has a denser texture as compared to grey matter (located on the surface of the brain) because it consists of more brain cells. This higher density allows the intelligence drive to move from the inside to the outside of the brain. This makes the person self-provide the need to think. The energy that comes to manage the left brain comes from within the Ii type.
- Physical Topology
The intelligence machine Intuiting (I) is identic to a long stomach. They have long stomachs in which the intestine is also long. This long stomach is a characteristic of the I type that manages food to convert it to anaerobic energy and is stored in the white muscles.
This anaerobic energy that is present in the white muscles is unstable energy that explodes. This is why this type of energy is good for sprinting at high speeds. This anaerobic energy is explosive energy. Of course, this white muscle must be used on a regular basis in order to develop and store more anaerobic energy.
The Ii type is also supported by the charger that is present inside the self that allows this type to have a strong explosive power. Apart from having a physical form that is thick (tall) and asthenic, the Ii type also has a body that supports a flight of ideas. Therefore, the I type in general often has the shape of a sloping shoulder, as if it were a rocket guided by its head, especially its right brain.
In the process of digestion, food is greedily processed by a long stomach and stored in the white muscle of the I type as anaerobic energy. These anaerobic workers have the ability to do sprints. They move explosively but they run out of energy quickly.
In the I type with an introverted (i) drive, it can still be pushed until reaches medium distances, but it still cannot be used for long distances. Long distance use is only possible if you use aerobic energy.
That’s why the I type doesn’t like to use muscle. This type knows that they only have more white muscles and less red muscles that contain aerobic energy. This type prefers to use the head, but the right type of head. This type of right head is even more eccentric.
- Unique Characteristics
Based on the viewpoint of psychology (behaviorism), the Ii personality must have unique behavioral characteristics that are different from those of the other eight characteristics, that can be proven and measured. There are ten items that can be proven exist and can be measured psychometrically.
Based on the STIFIn concept, the ten items become more permanent personalities that will never change and always exist with age. The ten characteristics are:
As a whole personality, the Ii type has diametral sides, such as thinks positively but also has a wild imagination, a good business partner but does not like private talks, and confident but has no control.
Besides that, this type is attractive and aesthetic but sometimes is often past the trend, a master at making concepts and also a master at the original job but becomes too indifferent towards the environment, and open to different opinions but stubborn about their own beliefs.
This is why this type needs to be aware of their weaknesses and make efforts to exploit their strengths. Usually if their strengths develop further, their weaknesses can be covered.
- Strengths
This personality type has special characteristics because they have creativity and intuition that exceeds eight other types of personality. This advantage can be matched with creative intelligence, or CQ (Creativity Quotient).
The Ii type has an automatic advantage that functions by looking for quality. The quality is created from the very beginning, so the Ii type is very keen to find new inventions or creations.
The strength of the Ii type lies precisely in its orientation to hold something that didn’t exist before. This type looks for satisfaction. If their creation is then recognized as a new invention, then it becomes an infinite satisfaction for this type. Just like their character towards money, the Ii type will spend and invest money for everything that can improve the quality of themselves or their work, so that they can achieve satisfaction.
- Chemistry
The success of this type is marked by the ability to run a program to incubate their creations. This type never runs out of ideas because the vertical radar is given a rocket from inside. In general, the Intuiting intelligence machine has a chemistry in the form of science and ideas. For this type, knowledge and ideas will be easily raised. But ideas are not enough. The idea must be flown as high as possible.
The process of flying ideas starts with how to ripen ideas, then make infrastructure to fly the idea. Concrete forms ripen the idea and prepare the infrastructure, that is, if the idea has manifested itself into a program with all its institutions. The more types of programs the Ii type can work on to realize their dreams and ideas, the higher their chance to find their real identity.
- Role
With a good right head function, the I type prefers classy jobs that require quality that comes from the creativity of the resources that they possess.
When combined with intelligence based on the sixth sense, the right head function will make the I type prefer smart jobs that are not dirty. It also makes the I type choose the role of director behind the scenes that gives ideas and inspiration to the players who are in the field or on stage.
If the I type is driven from the inside – becoming the Ii type – the nature of wanting to be perfect will appear. That makes the Ii type like the role of an initiator who initiates (starts) work with the target of making changes or adding value to the work.
In general, the ability to capture the language of the sky or predict the occurrence makes the I type take risks. This is what makes this type very interested in becoming entrepreneurs or business people who are actually brave enough to face the risk of failure.
- Target and Expectations
The seriousness to create something new makes the Ii type only satisfied if it produces something significant. This type hopes to always create something new so that ultimately and accumulatively, they can successfully change the state or environment significantly.
- Direction of Brand
With the ability to always create, provide added value, produce significant changes, and maintain perfection, the Ii type has a brand that adheres to itself as a person who has high quality work.
The Ii type does not attach importance to quantity (volume). Instead, they attach great importance to quality (producing large margins). So, seriousness to maintain the quality of work is a guarantee for other people who want to cooperate with this type.
- Methods of Learning
In the learning process, the Ii type always focuses on understanding concepts. The effort to understand these concepts is not easy, so this type needs to be assisted by illustrations, graphics, and films, which make it easier for them to understand the concepts of each lesson. In addition, the learning process of this type can also be transferred from the teacher’s body language.
The Ii type likes lecturers or teachers who are expressive in communicating either from the aspect of the word choice content or from the way it is delivered. The preferred content of this type is content that can arouse curiosity or give new inspiration. This type also likes fictional adventure stories because it opens up the horizon of fantasy.
In order to motivate the Ii type, they must be challenged to see a better future. This type has a strong sense of optimism and is also stubborn to fight for their will.
By visualizing the ‘big picture’ about the future, it will be easier for this type to build its own route to success. Likewise, in learning activities, this type will be eager to read books if they have seen the benefits for themselves.
- Choice of School/Profession
The main priority when choosing a major or profession for the Ii type is to direct them to one of the five industrial choices: marketing/advertising, lifestyle/mode, flight, agroforestry.
Some other choices of professions would be investor/businessman, education/training, writing literature, cinematography, detective, artist, pure science researcher, quantum physicist, music composer, reengineering, projection, business diviner, stockholder, investor, philosopher, learning expert, event organizer, producer, designer, creative expert, architect, director, abstract painter, magician, soothsayer, athlete (sprinter/competitor), sports coach, healer, psychic, etc.
In the future, there will be a larger variety of professions to choose from. But if choosing a major or a profession based on the Ii type standard, four key concepts must be considered: compose, long stomach, change, pure.